Become a Funeral DirectorA Career as a Funeral DirectorThere are few professions that provide an individual with a greater sense of self-worth and service to mankind than funeral service. This career path enables you to become a caregiver to your community, and the personal rewards that come from providing guidance and compassion to people in crisis are tremendous. Funeral service professionals work with the bereaved, providing sensitive, effective intervention during a time of emotional need. They are professional caregivers who enable families and communities to express their concern for life and the living. Funeral professionals carry out administrative and logistical tasks required by law, custom and accepted practice. They are also involved in a variety of activities within the community. Duties and responsibilities of a funeral service professional include:
Why should you enter funeral service?
Mortuary SchoolsCurrently, there are two schools in Pennsylvania that offer funeral service education and mortuary science programs. They include:
Northampton Community CollegeNorthampton Community College provides the educational requirements for those pursuing funeral service as a career. A one-year residency in a funeral home is required in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania following graduation. Contact: Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary Science (PIMS)The Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary Science offers an extensive program designed to prepare students for the many challenges they will encounter as funeral service professionals. Programs: Diploma in Embalming and Funeral Directing, Associate in Specialized Technology, & Associate in Specialized Business Contact: |